Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Soapbox, Yet Again

Continuing the Emersonian takeover at the Dig, here's my piece for this week, originally written (in much expanded form) for Column Writing last fall: I'm OK, You're Country.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Jacqueline Houton in the Phoenix and Bitch

Jacqueline Houton had two pieces publsihed recently, a piece in the Phoenix on "Sources of Inspiration" inspired by Megan Marshall's class and a piece on cosmetics companies in Bitch.

Thanks to Jacqueline and Vernacular, the Emerson MFA and MA website, for pointing us to these pieces.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Literally Hilarious

You're right Justine--but I think they're starting to catch on. My Soapbox that was published in last week's Dig (Sept. 3 to Sept. 10) never got posted online. So if anyone is dying to read a (I think) quite hilarious rant about the ills of speaking ill, pick up a copy and read "Lessons in Speaking Good: A Back-to-School Special."

p.s. It is actually now online. I guess sufficient whining can get you pretty much anything.