Hi -
This is a piece that I started working on many years ago -- it didn't have an ending until recently.
..And as always,
Oy! is always looking for cool Jewish stuff that has a Chicago connection.
Hi all!
I've not written any news for some time, as I've been mostly publishing things that are not much fun. (example: I'm freelancing for the real estate section of all things).
However, good news in the form of a new course I'm teaching at Warren Wilson College here in sunny Swannanoa. I currently teach "Intro to the Media" a hybrid class where first part of the semester is similar to our own WP687 class, and last half of semester is devoted to copyediting and public relations. I've been wanting to teach a features workshop for some time, and I pitched it hard this semester and it landed! I teach "feature writing" this Spring here at Warren Wilson and am framing it as a workshop. It will include environmental journalism, travel pieces, humor pieces, profiles and more. Yay!
Best to all.
Lockie Hunter