Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mad Hatter latest column

Hello fellow alum,

The latest issue of my semi-regular satirical column for the irreverent New York based Mad Hatters’ Review is online. In this issue, I explore personal ads (I’m oddly obsessed with personal ads) and I try to untangle acronyms and offer suggestions as to meaning such as:

SDDIBP- Sugar Daddy in Big Pants

Link is here



p.s. Thanks to all column writing alum who read and reviewed my novel excerpt during the Amazon next big novel contest. I did not advance to the finalists, but was excited to make it to the semi-finalists and greatly appreciated all the feedback.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Street Style: Iekeliene Stange

It's been a while, but this new "street style" piece is now online at Nylon magazine's website. For those not familiar, the girl featured is Dutch model Iekeliene Stange who's made herself quite an impression in the fashion world. She's interesting.

Happy spring everyone!

Michael Trudeau & Co on the Cape

Michael Trudeau's column, "A Bigger Boat: It wasn't enough that my girlfriend's ex came with us. No, there had to be sharks, too" that he originally wrote for the column writing workshop this fall was purchased by The Smart Set and can be found by clicking here as a "Something Personal" column.

The Gay Marriage Solution/The Weekly Dig

Hey, folks. I've got a new Soapbox column in this week's Dig, "The Gay Marriage Solution." In light of the recent California Supreme Court arguments, it's an argument for gay marriage you haven't heard before.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Outside Video Blog

Without making it obvious that I'm trying to get hits for Outside's blog, I'm posting my first-ever video blog here! More to come.

And if anyone needs a freelance video blogger, I'm your girl. Not only do I stand in front of the camera, I do the filming, edit the clips, add transitions, set up the sound--I'm practically a one-man band (except for the gentleman who filmed me for my intro scene in the video below). But, hey, at least I'm not shy about talking to strangers.

From Workshop Alum in NYC

From Kirthana Ramisetti:

"I'm a former Emerson (and of course, Column Writing alum) who'd like to form a writing group with NYC-based alumni. I'd like group would focus on fiction and creative non-fiction, but people can bring in whatever they wish to have workshopped. The idea would be to meet once a month to discuss and critique each other's work with the goal of publication. I was thinking that there would be occasional trips to literary events (readings and whatnot) as well. Sounds like something you'd be interested in? Email me at and let me know what you're looking for in a writing group and what you're working on now. Thanks!"

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Brandon Vogel on Friday Nights Light

One of the beauties of writing a regular column is that you can revisit past opinions and make a self-correction about some earlier assessment. Brandon Vogel does this in a recent piece "Will Friday Night Lights Burn Out or Fade Away?" on It's a plea for NBC to commit to brining back "Friday Night Lights.

Julie Bogart: "She's A Baby, Not A Purse"

Julie Bogart, who completed her MFA thesis and degree this past fall while she was also completing the column writing workshop, has a column this week in The Weekly Dig. I found the column this morning while I was riding the T to work. I picked up a copy of the Dig and there as a Soapbox column was Julie's column, "She's a baby, not a purse." The title of the column gives you a hint of what it's about. You can read it online and post comments here.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

How to Interview a Porn Star...

actually make that two porn stars. My profile of Jenna Jameson is in the most recent issue of YRB magazine. It's in the art issue, which is not online, but still available at the tiny 7-11 in Silverlake. And in lieu of those 1,200 words, I'll include this post-interview, mildly creepy photo.

[Note from Seglin: Steve's interview with Jenna Jameson does appear to be online here and Jinnie Lee's interview (mentioned in comments on this post) with Teyana Taylor that is also in this issue of YRB is here.