Sunday, January 27, 2008

Red Bird Editorial

Libby Ellis has launched her own freelancing editorial business, Red Bird Editorial.

Click on her company's name to see a red bird prance across your screen and to read more about Libby's new adventure.

Friday, January 25, 2008

A Review of Sarah Hannah's Inflorescence by Shannon Walsh

Shannon Walsh's review of Sarah Hannah's Inflorescence in Zoland Poetry begins:

"It would be unfair not to admit before delving into this review that it is with some bias. Sarah Hannah was my teacher, friend and mentor until her death in May of 2007; six months before the release of Inflorescence. Yet this relationship in itself might not have created a blind spot when it comes to Hannah’s poetry. Instead the problem, if it is a problem, is that when I read the poems in Inflorescence, I hear her read them, with every perfect inflection and intonation, a pleasure that unfortunately others can no longer have."

The rest of her review is here.

Shannon, who is an associate editor at Zoland Poetry, is in the second year of the M.F.A. program at Emerson.

Monday, January 21, 2008

London Review of Books Reviewer Competition

Megan Marshall sent along news of the following competion open to anyone 26-years-old or younger.

Here's the e-mail that accompanied the poster:
From: "LRB (editorial)"
To: "LRB (editorial)"
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 11:19 AM
Subject: LRB Contest

Dear LRB contributors,
We've recently set up a competition to encourage young reviewers. It's the
first time we've done anything like this, and it's a bit of an experiment.
I've included the details below and also attached a poster. We would be
grateful if you could tell your students about it.
With many thanks,
Deborah Friedell

Young Reviewers Competition
The London Review of Books is holding a competition for young reviewers. The
prize for the best entry is £1000 and a one-year subscription to the LRB.
Prizes may also be awarded for runners-up.
Each entrant should submit one review, praising or unpraising, between 2500
and 3000 words long, of any work of fiction or poetry published after the
beginning of 2007. The review must be original, unpublished work (it is
allowed to have appeared in a student periodical).
Entrants must be under the age of 26 at the closing date, 2 June 2008.
Please send submissions, along with contact details, to (as an attachment), or by post to:
The Editors
London Review of Books
28 Little Russell Street
We regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of entries.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Parenting for profit...who knew?

So, apparently there is money to be made in this parenting gig after all. I’m freelancing (note the word freelancing means there’s a paycheck involved, finally!) for a local Asheville title called WNC Parent, and I’ve use of a free model in my daughter, Pascale. Last article was on winter fashion for children, and though I had fun writing it, and Pascale had fun as my model, I did lose money, as I when I saw how delicious she looked in said winter fashions, well…had to buy a few new preschool outfits. (She already dresses far better than I do). I’ll send the link when available. It's a print pub, and it takes a while for the magazine to post online. It's the south. We're allowed to be slow...
Best to all of you in your writing.


January 20, 2008 11:37 AM

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dig Laura

Laura Dargus, who has been acting as interim managing editor of The Weekly Dig for several months is, according to WD's founder, "interim" no longer. Laura is now the full-fledged managing editor.

Rails to Trails to Karl

Karl Wirsing is now managing editor of Rails to Trails magazine in Washington, D.C.

He also reports that he is recovering nicely from knee surgery.

Damsels in Success

In addition to being a full-time instructor at Emerson, Elizabeth Parfitt is a regular contributor to Damsels in Success, a forum for professional women.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Lockie's Parenting Pieces

A couple of new pieces by alum Lockie Hunter appeared in December.

One was "Top 10 gifts for teens and tweens" that appeared in WNC Parent Magazine in December 2007.

The other was "Top 10 gifts for baby's 1st Christmas" that appeared in the living section of the Asheville Citizen on December 10, 2007.