Sunday, January 20, 2008

Parenting for profit...who knew?

So, apparently there is money to be made in this parenting gig after all. I’m freelancing (note the word freelancing means there’s a paycheck involved, finally!) for a local Asheville title called WNC Parent, and I’ve use of a free model in my daughter, Pascale. Last article was on winter fashion for children, and though I had fun writing it, and Pascale had fun as my model, I did lose money, as I when I saw how delicious she looked in said winter fashions, well…had to buy a few new preschool outfits. (She already dresses far better than I do). I’ll send the link when available. It's a print pub, and it takes a while for the magazine to post online. It's the south. We're allowed to be slow...
Best to all of you in your writing.


January 20, 2008 11:37 AM

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