Tuesday, October 7, 2008

writing and stitching

It's my first time posting here. It seemed high time I do so... especially considering recent events. 

About 3 months ago I started working as the assistant editor at Crochet Today magazine. For those of you who had Column Writing with me and recall the recurring theme in my columns, you won't be surprised when I say this job is pretty much perfect for me. It's just me and the editor-in-chief on the editorial staff, which means I am lucky enough to participate in every aspect of putting the magazine together, from conceptualizing to hiring freelancers to writing to editing. The first issue with my name on the masthead (woo!) goes on newsstands this week and I have a short column in it about an up-and-coming crochet designer, Cal Patch. I also wrote the whole product review section, which isn't exactly a column, but it got me another byline, so yay!

The magazine can sometimes be found at B&N, but is easiest to get in craft stores. We aren't publishing editorial content on our website at this time, but maybe someday...


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