Thursday, December 13, 2007

Felicia Pride Talks about The Message: 100 Life-Lessons from Hip-Hops Greatest Songs

Column Writing Alum Felicia Pride talking about her new book The Message: 100 Life-Lessons from Hip-Hops Greatest Songs at The Capital Bookfest in Maryland.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hiring Tech Blogger

Seglin folks, I'd appreciate your sending anyone who fits the bill (below) my way! ~ Andrea ( is looking for bloggers!

Specifically, we're looking for a college student, grad student or recent grad to write about working in the tech industry--whether that's engineering, biotech, software, whatever. Someone who can share his/her perspective on getting started on a tech career path for the benefit of other young people around the country.

You should be a lively writer with a drive to inform as well as entertain, your tone should be engaging and personable, and you should have your finger on the pulse of the millennial generation.

Your responsibilities will include posting at least once a week about a topic relevant to college-aged readers. In return you will receive a $250 stipend for your semester's work, while gaining valuable hands-on experience to add to your resume.

Additional Details:
This is a remote, contract position for the Spring semester.

Application Method:
Apply using this url -

Monday, December 10, 2007

Big Love fashion

Hello Decemberists,

Any folks out there a fan of the HBO program Big Love, please check out the new Private Icon for Nylon Magazine ( that I pitched and put together. This prairie chic look is based on Chloe Sevigny's character Nicki Grant, who plays one of three polygamist wives. The rest of the story is HERE >>>

Happy holidays, everyone!
~ Jinnie L.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Jaweed Can Cook, Can't He?

The Miami Herald gave its reporter (and column-writing alum) Jaweed Kaleem $100 and told him to see if he could learn to cook. His adventures are online (along with videos) at JD's Cooking Experiment - Anyone Can Cook?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Cécile Bruso's Column in ESL Magazine

A column titled "The Best of Intentions" which Cécile Bruso originally wrote for Bill Beuttler's Column Writing class was published in the July/August 2007 issue of ESL Magazine.
A copy of the column appears to the left.
If you click on the image, you should be able to read the column.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Submissions Wanted for The Smart Set

Jason Wilson, a former editor-in-residence at Emerson and the editor of the annual best in travel writing collection, has relaunched a version of H.L. Mencken's Smart Set magazine. It's published in conjunction with Drexel University and is an online publication. You can find it at The Smart Set.

Jason e-mailed me to let me know that The Smart Set is looking for good columns. The publication pays. Jason wrote:

"...I wanted to see if you'd pass along to the students the opportunity to write for The Smart Set. We pay $200 for 800-1000 word columns. We're looking for stuff for several of our open columns--Pertinent & Impertinent (on culture), Something Personal (personal essay/memoir); On Dining (essays on food & culture); Grand Tour (short travel essays). In fact, please pass this along to any of your graduate writing students who might be interested."

Take a look at the publication before pitching him. His e-mail address is or

Monday, November 19, 2007

A New Gear Test in The New York Times

My sixth gear test was in the Gray Lady last week. It's a review of water bottles and can be found at:

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Question about Querying

Quick question. When querying an agent who does not have a website that lists submission guidelines, should I just assume a standard 1-page query letter via snail mail? Or does a lack of information indicate that this agent doesn't accept unsolicited queries? I'm sure it's a legitimate agency; I'm just not sure how (or whether) to approach them! Thanks for any advice, Andrea

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Carolyn McCarthy's article, "Puelo River Dammed" is now out in National Geographic Magazine, November edition, Depts section. Details on Carolyn's blog at New in Nat Geo

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

WANTED: Writers on Two Wheels

Outside magazine is looking for a writer with a motorcycle license who lives in one of these states: California, Rhode Island, Utah, Texas (Austin), Washington. This is for a 150-word piece, but it's on its own page: Covet (Note: This is just an example of what the writer would be doing). Email me: Ali at if you fall under this description or have a lead...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

THE MESSAGE is finally here!

Hi Emersonians--

My first full-length book, THE MESSAGE: 100 LIFE LESSONS FROM HIP-HOP'S GREATEST SONGS was released on Thursday! Talk about an emotional rollercoaster! The book is available online, in Barnes & Noble, and in your local bookstores. If it isn't available, you can always demand it!

Visit me online at or and always for literary news.

Friday, October 26, 2007


Happy pumpkins and candy, Seglin put up the latest fashion "Private Icon" I put together. This one is on the Sri Lankan dancehall-rapper M.I.A. (think neon). I highly recommend her album Kala for some ear deliciousness.

Here's the link to the piece >>>>>

Hug one another.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My little article

If any of you are interested, check your local magazine racks in the travel section. Look for OurState Magazine: Down Home in North Carolina. On page 218, I have a small piece titled "A Dickens of a Holiday". It's about Fayetteville, NC's (where I currently reside) shopping extravaganza that takes place each year on Black Friday. This year marks the festival's 8th anniversary. I'm sorry to say that there isn't a link to read the article. Oh, and my pen name is Lee Royal (for former classmates, you may remember me as Carrah Faircloth.)

Check it out, if you can! Have a Happy Halloween!

Lovely Mag seeks contributors

Lovely Magazine is a new, online, East Boston-based fashion/beauty magazine started by a friend of a friend. They are only 3 months old, and they can't pay yet, but they're looking for contributors!

If you're interested, contact Ingrid Cordeiro at

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Gossip Girl

Hello, bloggers and bloggeristas. I'm a contributing writer for Nylon magazine and I put together fashion pieces called Private Icon for, based on the feature in the actual book. Here's my latest project on the new TV show Gossip Girl on the private school uniform look. I don't like/watch the show.

Blogging out,

826 Boston & Casey Robertson

There's a terrific piece in The Boston Globe this morning at 826 Boston: A different writing center - The Boston Globe about Dave Eggers' 826 writing centers that work with students from 6 to 18 years old as a new center has opened in Boston.

Casey Robertson (WP491), who interned with 826/LA is now working with the start-up of 826 Boston.

Globe Correspondent Danielle M. Capalbo writes:

"Robertson began her internship in January after working last summer at 826 Los Angeles, and she said she is hooked on making a difference in the lives of young students.

"'It's definitely expanded my horizons," said Robertson, who now is considering a teaching career. "It's made me realize this need exists everywhere.'"

Earlier in the piece, Capalbo writes:

"To master outreach in a city of 145 public schools, the staff at 826 Boston borrowed a trick from Valencia. 'We've been taking fliers out to schools in the neighborhood,' said Casey Robertson, an Emerson College graduate who is interning with 826 Boston. "We've been giving them to principals, putting them directly in teacher's mailboxes.' Already, she said, teachers have responded - to the outreach and to 826's illustrious history.

The full article is at 826 Boston: A different writing center - The Boston Globe.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Kiss My Planet

I started another blog called Kiss My Planet dedicated to travel, food, drink, and other stories. You should check it out at I would appreciate your feedback as well, and if you could pass it on to others who you think would be interested.

Love Letters?

I'm contributing to the Modern Letter Project's blog. Each month, participants from around the world get the name and address of another letter writer. Ideally, every month, participants receive a new letter, write a new letter and a response letter.

We're mid project now and the bolg is the electronic extension, a way for all of us to share this experience as it happens. My first post is up today so feel free to check it out and get involved!

We're also photographing sent and received letters and posting to flickr; that's been pretty cool too.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

My New Blog (Carrah Royal)

Hi, all. I just wanted to post that I have a new blog page entitled "A Simple Epic Called Life". I've only just started it, so there's only one outdated post--my test post. However, there will be more to follow. I hope to hear your comments. Good to hear all of us are doing great things in the world beyond.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Press Trip Tips (by Andrea)

Also, I recently took my first press trip on assignment to Spain & Portugal. It was great, but there were a lot of things I wished I'd known ahead of time--and so I've guest-authored a blog post about it at Written Road, the travel-writing blog of the BootsnAll Network. I'd love your comments if your experiences with traveling on assignment have been different (or the same!).

Friday, October 12, 2007

City Guides Live

News from Column Writing Alum Andrea Calabretta who is now an Editorial Content Producer at Experience, Inc.:

"We've just launched a new site feature at called Swapping Places that I'm excited about (and have been working on for months!). It includes a series of 14 guides to hot cities across the US, all written by locals and geared toward recent grads and young professionals. I'd love to hear your suggestions for additional cities to profile (at home and abroad), and I'd also be grateful if you could leave comments about cities where you've'll see a link in the neighborhoods section of each city that says Do YOU live [here]? Thanks for your help!"

You can go to the site at Swapping Places.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Lockie in HipMama

Lockie Hunter has a nonfiction piece in HipMama #38. It's called "Room for Purple Horses."

You can read the story by clicking on Lockie's Writing - Published Fiction, Nonfiction and Essays by ... then scrolling down to "Publishing Nonfiction/Essays" and clicking on the pdf there.

Or just click here and you should go directly to the piece.

Pitch Me Please--Outside magazine

Attention writers! Although I bear the title of "intern" at Outside magazine, I am as well received in pitch meetings as a Senior Editor...okay, maybe I don't have quite as much pull, but I can get your ideas heard!

If any of you are searching for that freelance foot in the door and write on an Outside beat--adventure travel, athletes (not Tom Brady, but Tony Hawk, Chris Sharma, and the occasional Beckham hit), sports (not football, but freeskiing, mountaineering, whitewater kayaking, and surfing), and science (think environmental, global warming fodder), please send pitches my way.

Particularly send over short profile feature ideas (like 1,500 words) and short, quick hits for our front-of-book O-Zone Department--but don't limit yourself. No lengthy pitch required (although, I will read it), but feel free to keep it brief. Even if you have a seed of an idea--sound off!

Shoot them over to me, Ali Carr, at and I will work to get you an assigned gig.

Kirthana Ramisetti's Profile of Amara Karan

Kirthana Ramisetti has a profile of Amara Karan, a South Asian actress in "The Darjeeling Limited," in the latest issue of EastWest Magazine. You can read Kirthana's story online at Express Train to Stardom .

In doing the interviews for this article, Kirthana also attended her first press junket and did roundtable interviews with director Wes Anderson, as well as actors Jason Schwartzman, Adrien Brody, and Karan.

There's a link to Kirthana's blog at right. The blog contains links to several other recent pieces she's written.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

News from the Fringe

The October issue of Fringe Magazine is hot off the virtual press! Watch for our redesign in the December issue; it'll be our first redesign since launching the magazine, and we hope it will improve the usability of the site.

Submission Call: the Ethnos Issue (due out Feb. 1 just in time for our 2nd b-day) - check our submission guidelines and our blog for more info. Deadline for submissions is 12/15/07.

The Project: to protest the near homogeneity of the NY Times Best Books list, we're creating our own list, and we need everyone's help! Read more about it in the new issue, and check out the Pool (as a starting point) on our blog.

I've traded my fiction editor duties for the title of Managing Editor, and the very capable Katie Spencer (also an Emerson grad, though I'm not sure she's a WP687 alum) has taken over the fiction role. It's tough to let go of the genre, but I'm taking each day one at a time...

As always, the Fringe Staff thanks everyone for their continued support!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

You've Got Mail.

Hi everyone! Some of you I know and others I don't but I somehow feel like I do since I hear about your life updates through Jeff Seglin's emails, which I always read eagerly :) I actually just added a new post on my blog " Eco-Strides " You should check it out if you have time. It's a story about 15 Columbian women who have started weaving bags out of recycled plastic bags in order to save monkeys. It's kind of cool to know that there are people all over the world who mobilize to help the environment. About bags, do any of you own the Whole Foods reusable bags? I have about 10 of them. They are so awesome -easy to carry and "a la mode" too. I own the Clementine and Honey editions. Apparently, they only released them for a limited time only and they go quickly. We'll probably have to wait until winter for the next bunch. Anyhow, I just thought of that because I was talking about recycled bags and also because I went grocery shopping today and noticed that Whole Foods ran out of reusable bags. Good thing I brought mine!

[Image thanks to Gwen according to this license]


Here's a digest of several of the updates I've sent out over the past several months. Since some of this information is likely to have changed, feel free to post updates with news and links to your new jobs and publications on the blog. -jls

Sam Baber (WP687) leaves Borders and starts a new job that involves curriculum development for children ages 4 to 14, a foundation, an 18th-floor downtown office, and Texas. More details are at:

Sam Baber has a new job in Texas as a Curriculum Design Senior Analyst, K-12. He continues to update his blog at

Caroline Beaulieu (WP491) continues to write for Zipcar's website and e-mail newsletter. You can see some of her handiwork at if you're a registered user of the Zipcar site.

Caroline Beaulieu has a piece at and starting tomorrow -- Wednesday -- she'll be contributing a weekly column to Boston’s Metro newspaper.

Anne-Cecile Blanchot (WP491) is completing her last semester at Emerson and interning at the Improper Bostonian magazine in the photo department. She takes photos for the Mopsy, Word, and Dish columns. You can see the photos in the magazine with her photo credit ever other week when the magazine comes out. She writes that the experience of working at a small, local magazine life the Improper after interning at the large national magazine Glamour has been "interesting."

Anne-Cecile Blanchot has begun posting on a new blog called, which she writes is "committed to raising awareness on the eco-crisis at hand and offering simple advice on how to green your daily routine."

Anne-Cecile Blanchot wrote to say that everything is terrific at her internship at Glamour magazine in New York.

Leah Bloom (WP687) is the Senior Communications Officer at St. Francis House. She'll be talking about cross-channel integration and online marketing at the Direct Marketing Association's NYC conference in August, the Association of Fundraising Professionals' monthly breakfast in September, and on two panels at their MA conference in November. She was also quoted in the cover story of this July's issue of FundRaising Success She continues to freelance for clients that include Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Improv for Life, and causemedia. Samples of her work are at <> .

The man about whom Leah Bloom wrote her "Coupling" column for The Boston Globe Magazine asked her to marry him. They were married last July 23rd.

Andrea Borod (WP687) writes that she is in charge of publicity for a new "hilarious and fantastic" book called Copyediting and Proofreading for Dummies by Suzanne Gilad. It's "perfect for anyone interested in learning how to read for a living." Andrea says that it's cheaper to buy it at, but she encourages anyone who's read it to post a review on at where you will learn that Andrea's middle name is "Carlie."

Andrea Borod writes that she's now living in New York City and is working as a research intern for Charlie Rose.

Maressa Brown (WP491) has been at Popstar! magazine for a year. She also provided administrative assistance to Kara Jesella with her book How Sassy Changed My Life: Ode A Love Letter to the Greatest Teen Magazine of All Time.

The first issue of Popstar! Magazine that Maressa Brown significantly contributed to hit the newsstands on August 8th. Maressa also wrote to let me know that in addition to being an editor at Popstar!, she is working with a writer who is completing a book about Sassy magazine.

Andrea Calabretta (WP687) wrote that she has been offered a position as editorial content producer at, a web-based company that "helps young understand the working world." She'll be working on the look and feel of the site, doing some writing, and managing a bunch of student and freelance writer/bloggers.

I reported earlier that Andrea Calabretta would have another "Coupling" column in The Boston Globe Magazine on July 30th. Turns out it appeared on August 6th. It's online at

Alicia Carr (WP491) just finished the Columbia Publishing Course in New York City. The day planner/city guide to Boston, the Motion Affair Planner, that she wrote and edited for just came out in Barnes and Noble's campus stores in Boston. "It was published by 1stPublications--Morgan First's (an Emerson Alumni '06) publishing company. Anne-Cecile Blanchot designed the planner and the rest, including photography, marketing, advertising, fact-checking, etc, was done by Emerson students as well. Details"

Starting on Mon, Nov. 27, Alicia Marie Carr will be the Assistant Research Editor for Travel + Leisure in Online/New Media. She writes: "It is a new position created specifically for the up-and-coming addition of online-only editorial content. I will primarily be working on the daily Ask T+L column, written by our Senior Consulting Editor and long-time Managing Editor, Mark Orwoll, and will be housed on the homepage: I will also be working closely with our new senior editor, Adrien Glover (previously of Budget Travel), and I look forward to gaining experience with the editorial process: comissioning stories, working with raw copy, pitching story ideas, and hopefully, writing."

Alicia Marie Carr left her job at Travel + Leisure in NYC to take an editorial intern position at Outside magazine in Santa Fe. She also continues to post on her blog:

Julianne Corey (WP687) continues to blog during her pregnancy at Click on the link to "the blog."

Tina Crossgrove (WP687) has moved to Trumansburg, New York, to accept a job teaching at Elmira College.

Reminder: Porter Square Books in Cambridge is throwing a launch party for on June 30th at 7 p.m. for Alexander Danner (WP687) who is co-author of Character Design for Graphic Novels. You can find out more information about what Alexander has been up to and about the book on his blog at

Lauren Cucinotta (WP491) is interning four days a week at W magazine and planning on taking a copy editing class at NYU.

Laura Dargus (WP491) has been working on copyediting a curriculum for Pathfinder International that aims to train local community health workers (primarily in Africa for now) on how to provide home-based care for people living with HIV/AIDS.

Laura Dargus writes that she is The Weekly Dig's new copy chief. Her name is on the masthead ( and she's firmly ensconced in the Dig's South End offices.

Rachel Dowd (WP687) has been hired as the deputy editor (second in command) at The Advocate magazine in Los Angeles. She had previously been deputy editor of Variety Weekend magazine.

After two years (first as an intern, then as editorial assistant, then as assistant managing editor) with The Pohly Company, Gwyneth Driskill (WP687) has moved to Philadelphia. She's accepted a position as journals manager with Elsevier.

The following is lifted directly from Leslie Brokaw's Magazine News: "Pete Dulin's (WP687) PRESENT MAGAZINE, which covers local food, music, arts, and culture in Kansas City, is now an online publication. PRESENT started life in Sept 2005 as a monthly publication on pdf. Beginning Feb 2007, it converted to the current Web site. As Pete writes on the About page, "We love print magazines too. Love them. Guess what? Production, printing, and postage is costly. The magazine is free to you, dear reader. So, we keep our costs (and advertising rates!) in check by publishing online.

Cassidy Ellis was hired as the photo assistant to Ivan Shaw at Vogue Magazine.

Libby Ellis (WP687) is going to Israel on an international media mission this March. I believe this is as part of her work with the Jewish United Fund of Chicago.

Libby Ellis has a piece up at It's about her first trip to Israel.

Libby Ellis is the new marketing communications manager for the Jewish United Fund in Chicago. Send donations to her freely.

Daveeda Goldberg (WP687) got her first two or three clips published in the Jewish Voice and Herald of Rhode Island

The YA book that Johannah Haney (WP687) edited for author Julia DeVillers in 2002 recently came out in movie form on the Disney Channel (the movie is called Read It and Weep). Johannah also just finished her 6th and 7th kids' nonfiction books, on turtles and whales, both for 3rd graders (coming out next year probably). She is teaching a class for Brookline Adult Ed this fall and winter.

Johannah Haney is involved with Boston Cares and its annual fundraising event, Summer Nights City Lights. The event is Thursday, August 23, at Fenway Park from 6-9:30 pm. It features tours of Fenway, food, soft drinks and Sam Adams beer. Visit for more information and to buy tickets. Boston Cares is also still seeking silent auction items and corporate sponsors. For more information contact

The book Enslaved: True Stories of Modern Day Slavery that Rebecca Hansen (WP687) worked on last year was published in November ( It had a good mention in the current Improper Bostonian. Rebecca writes that she is still working with Abuk Bak, the Sudanese woman whose chapter she worked on.

Andie (Askin) Hartz (WP687) has been teaching high school juniors in Portland, Oregon. She's teaching ESL and mainstream English. She writes that she's been teaching a modified column writing course to some of her students.

Rob Hochschild (WP687) e-mailed me last week to let me know that he was "heading down to New Orleans with seven Berklee colleagues to do the hammer-and-nail thing for a week in the Lower Ninth's Musicians Village." They're working with Habitat for Humanity. Rob also warns that he's about to start a blog and will send the coordinates as soon as they're available.

Rob Hochschild's blog posting about his trip with other Berklee College reps down to New Orleans to help rebuild is at: or There's even a short video included of Rob showing his prowess with power tools.

Jaqi Holland (WP687) sold an essay on how her yard sale addiction is actually good for the environment. "Everything Old is New Again: Confessions of a Yard Sale Junkie" appears in the August/Sept. issue of Plenty on the Last Word page. She also has a piece about the South End Open Market in the fall issue of 360: Life from Every Angle.

Lockie Hunter (WP687) was an honorable mention for the New England Writers Frank Anthony award for creative nonfiction. It was for a piece called "Signal" that started as a column in the workshop about her grandmother battling the large stop sign in her hometown. The story isn't posted but the list of winners is at

Lockie Hunter, who will receive her M.F.A. in Creative Writing this month, are profiled at as two "Great Graduates" in the May edition of Emerson College Today. Lockie Hunter posts links to some of her published writing on her website at

Lockie Hunter sold the column she wrote for the column writing workshop on bigamy to "Common Ties" for cash money. It's an online journal. You can read it at There's a picture of Lockie being dipped by her husband at their wedding. There's already a lot of reader response posted to the column. Add your own.

Lockie Hunter has placed a version of her Philosopher Toddler piece that began as a column for class in Literary Mama. It's at She also has a mothering article in MadlovinMama, but it's a print-only zine.

Lockie Hunter has a humor essay published in Seattle Writer GRRLS. It is online at: She also has a short fiction piece in the Appalachian edition of Southern Hum at: She writes that she found Southern Hum when she was researching titles for the column writing workshop. She continues to work on personal essays for Southern Hum as well.

Brian Hurley and Karl Wirsing (BOTH WP687) have started a new blog called The Lunger Report: Hacking away at a political truth, Here's how Karl describes it: "We want to take quotes from leaders and expose either their contradictory silliness or real agenda-basically hold powerful people accountable for the crap they feed us."

Brian Hurley has a column about Spy Tech toys of the early 1990s in Wonka Vision issue 35 which is on stands now, in the music section. He also has a short story in the next issue of Small Spiral Notebook, a Brooklyn-based literary magazine. He is working as an editorial assistant at Oxford University Press in New York City...right down the hall from recent MFA grad Robert Repino..

Matthew Kaberline (WP687) accepted a job at Regis College in Weston, MA as an Admissions Counselor. He writes: "Regis has just recently gone co-ed after being a women's college for the past 80 years or so. That change, coupled with the fact they want to double and triple the size of the college within the next 4 to 6 years, makes this opportunity exciting and challenging." His region is Cape Cod and the South Shore, RI, CT, NJ, and NY.

Jaweed Kaleem (WP491) started work at the Miami Herald this past Monday. His first story was on a big summer charity event thrown by Alonzo Mourning. The highlight, he writes, was getting a call from Mourning at 11:30 p.m., since that was supposedly the only time he was free to interview.

Jaweed Kaleem, who will receive his B.A. as a WLP major this month, and
Beth LaMontagne (WP687) has begun a new job as the New Hampshire correspondent for Campaigns and Elections Magazine. She will be covering the New Hampshire primary for the publication, as well as a soon to be launched Web site.

Kerrie Kemperman (WP687) has been working as a freelance copywriter for Houghton Mifflin.

Steve Krcmar (WP687) had his first piece published in Bicycling magazine in its July issue about a bike messenger/graffiti artist in Los Angeles. He also had a piece on cycling knickers in the New York Times at And he continues blogging at

Steve Krcmar is freelancing full-time in Los Angeles. His second cover story for the LA Times' Heatlh appears at,0,588729.story?coll=la-home-health

Steve Krcmar has a piece on the Midnight Ridazz at <> . If you go to the site and click on his name on the left, you can see his face and hear him read the piece to you which is in print on the right-hand side of the website. Or you can just read it yourself. Or read it along with him. Or close your eyes and listen to him as he reads it to you.

Jinnie Lee (WP491) has moved to New York City and started her internship at PAPER magazine. She assists in photo shoots, advertising, parties, clothing runs, and other things they throw at her. She writes that it is "going swimmingly."

Jinnie Lee writes that she's doing an internship in New York City for Nylon magazine's web editorial department -- She chiefly does research but also writes features on topics ranging from beauty products to music and entertainment to fashion news. "All my writing is restricted to 100 words at a time," Jinnie writes, "and it makes Column Writing class with 850 words seem overly generous."

Carolyn McCarthy (WP687) had a travel piece, "Yellowstone Naturally: Go Find that Remote" published in The Boston Globe. You can read it online at

Carolyn McCarthy is scheduled to have a podcast on --an interview with an ex-guerilla fighter turned tour guide in El Salvador.

If you've been looking for Carolyn McCarthy's El Salvador podcast on Lonely Planet, you can go directly to it at

Carolyn McCarthy is now on the Lonely Planet blog. You can read her latest entry at

Carolyn McCarthy's Lonely Planet Guide to Ecuador and the Galapagos Island continues to sell well. When we checked moments ago it was at 9,009 on (

Carolyn McCarthy is still in Chile where she traveled on her Fulbright. She is also the author of The Lonely Planet's Guide to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. You can read about her and it at:

Carolyn also has a piece on Ecuador in the Contra Costa Times at:

Maya Mackowiak (WP687) started working full time at the Harvard Extension School as an Editor/Writer.

Jennifer Marcus (WP687) has accepted a new position as Conference Producer at Questex Media Group (formerly Advanstar) in Newton, Massachusetts. She just completed her first solo conference program in Toronto.

Sarah Miles (WP687) is now managing editor of Fringe Magazine which just received 501(c)(3) status from the federal government which means it can receive tax-deductible contributions. This is good since Fringe is trying to raise funds to attend AWP 2008 where the price of table has almost tripled since last year. In addition to its main magazine site at, the editors keep a lively blog at It's full of Emerson alum postings, Sarah reports. If you want to help the cause, you can go directly to and make a donation of any amount through PayPal.

Sarah Miles (WP687) reports that Fringe Magazine, of which is a co-founding editor, is doing very well. They're almost to their first anniversary issue, which will be out Feb. 1, 2007! The anniversary issue is a feminism-themed issue - people can check Fringe's website for guidelines and further info ( The 7th issue will be up December 15. Sarah reports that Fringe is always taking submissions and particularly need good non-fiction, be it essays, columns, or critical pieces.

Meaghan Minnick (WP687) moved back to Nashville at the end of January to work for the United Methodist Publishing House. She is production editor for Vacation Bible School curriculum (people can see the program at She copyedited, proofread, and indexed Joseph Byrne's Daily Life during the Black Death, available from Greenwood Press ( Her high school sweetheart proposed to her over Labor Day, and they'll be getting married at the end of March. She's taking six dance classes a week, including two tap classes, and is currently trying to find or start a tap jam in Nashville.

Michael Moats (WP687) was offered and has accepted a speechwriting job with Governor Deval Patrick. Michael writes that it is official and he has the badge and everything. He has also closed out his blog (, and writes that his last hurrah is now posted.

Christina (Alexander) Moldenhauer (WP687) has been living in Austin, Texas, since she got married in May of 2005, shortly after graduation. She did some production work at Harcourt, an educational textbook publisher, but for the past 10 months she's worked at Sprint Nextel as a Communications Specialist, writing and editing communications and presentations for the Service & Repair division of the company.

Michelle Morgan (WP687) was offered a job as a publicist at Harvard Business School Press. (She joins other MA Publishing grads, Rich Gravelin, Julia Ely, and Astrid Sandoval who work for HBSP.) [NOTE: Astrid and Julia have since left HBSP. Astrid has entered the MBA program at IESE in Spain.]

Kate Murphy (WP687) just started a part-time ESL teaching job at Austin English Academy and have also just started a part-time freelance writing job with Edison Schools. A short essay of hers, "Boston Garden," has been published on under "chicklits." You should be able to find it at

Katherine Newman's (WP687) column, "Confessions from the Classroom: How do teachers know they're working hard enough?" which she originally wrote for last spring's Column Writing Workshop, was published in Education Next magazine. It's in print and online at

Beth Nicewonger (WP687) writes from Philadelphia that she is on the Artist Advisory Board for a non-profit organization called First Person Arts which promotes memoir, photography and documentary arts.

Beth Nicewonger has accepted a position as Assistant to the Director of Continuing Education at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia.

Elizabeth Parfitt (WP687) was accepted as a forum member on the new professional women's site, Damsels In Success. You can read her first post at:

Beth Parfitt was hired by Emerson College as a full-time Expository Writing Instructor starting with the 2007-08 academic year.

Beth Parfitt has placed two more columns, a personal essay for the Penn State alumni magazine and a column called the "Girls' Guide to College Football" for the website.

Felicia Pride (WP687) has updated the look and features of She also continues to contribute to AOL's Black Voices Blogs. You can find her postings Her most recent postings are on Terry McMillan's ex's new novel, 50 Cent, Lurma Rackley's as told to autobiography of Petey Greene, and Tony Dungy's new book.

Felicia Pride has started as the new book blogger at AOL Black Voices at She continues to publish Her book The Message: 100 Life Lessons from Hip Hop's Greatest Songs, is at Thunder's Mouth, with a publication date of Oct. 2007. The book she wrote for Simon & Schuster's Everybody Hates Chris kids series will have her name on it and is called Everybody Hates First Girlfriends and will be published Sept. 2007 ( And she just just turned in a novella she wrote for Harlequin's African American YA line. It's based on a story that she expanded upon from Jessica Treadway's fiction workshop.

Felicia Pride's book, BEATS AND LIFE, is being published by Thunder's Mouth Press. It is described as "a hip hop version of Don't Sweat the Small Stuff with 100 entries from rap songs to make points about creating a better life." Also, on November 21, she will be teaching a book publishing 101 seminar in D.C. for ( She is also teaching a writing course at The College of New Rochelle.

Felicia Pride is freelancing fulltime. She is also officially writing pieces about trends in African-American publishing for Publishers Weekly. A recent article appears at She is also a book reviewer for And she relaunched her website BackList at and continues to blog about multicultural publishing at She has been offered a contract from Harlequin to write a novella for a new young adult line, slated for release in September 2007. She has been asked to be the editor of Mosaic Literary Magazine, one of the longest running literary magazines for writers of color.

Kathy Rabin (WP687) published a piece she wrote in August's SAIL magazine in its "Sailing Memories" section. There's a picture of her in the issue as well.

Kirthana Ramisetti (WP687) wrote the cover story for the June/July issue of East West Magazine. ( It's a profile of Kiran Chetry, the anchor of CNN's American Morning. The issue will be on newsstands on June 15th. The issue is not online yet, but you can see the cover at It's Kirthana's first cover story, but she's written other pieces for the magazine such as this one:

Kirthana Ramisetti writes that she has two articles featured in the February issue of East West Magazine. One is about chef Michael Tong and his new cookbook, The Shun Lee Cookbook. The other is called "TV Sweep: Asian Faces Now Showing," which is both in the print issue and can also be found online here: She reports that the latter article is "currently being linked to by, a weblog of television news and criticism (a site read widely by media critics, and television junkies like me!)." Kirthana also has a new job as managing editor of, an online magazine for college women.

Kirthana Ramisetti wrote the cover story for East West Magazine's Aug/Sept issue, a profile of Miss Universe 2007 Riyo Mori. It can be found here: She also has started a blog at

Casey Robertson (WP491) has helped to set up a Boston affiliate of 826 -

Shmuel Ross (WP687) has somehow survived drastic cutbacks at Information Please, including the death of its print almanac. (Henceforth, it's Web-only.) His latest work is a Q&A piece about Old Style calendar conventions, but his Dr. Seuss quiz at is more fun.

Shmuel Ross continues to work at Information Please (a division of Family Education Network, a division of Pearson Education, a division of Pearson, a divis-- no, wait, that's the top level). The 2007 TIME Almanac with Information Please, for which he is the Assistant Editor, should be hitting bookstores near you any day now. His recent articles for the almanac's websites include "Harry Potter Banned?" an evenhanded look at the HP controversy; and "Halloween Traditions," which boils down to "we don't have a clue where modern Halloween practices came from." Those are, respectively, at and .

Carrah (Faircloth) Royal (WP687) has written a column under the byline "Lee Royal" for OurState magazine about Fayetteville, North Carolina's festival, "A Dickens Holiday." She is also a full-time faculty member at Sampson Community College.

Hannah Selinger (WP687) has a poem in the current issue of the South Carolina Review. It is not available online, but can be purchased through Clemson University at: "Please know that this poem contains adult content," Hannah writes.

Hannah Selinger just learned that one of her poems was accepted for publication by the South Carolina Review.

Hannah Selinger, whose story "The Jam Maker" appears in the current issue of the South Dakota Review, writes that she was out of electricity during the recent power blackout in New York.

Michael Sherrin (WP491)is working as a producer with Blue Egg ( The company has a second sit for green building professionals at

Brian Sousa (WP687) received word that the Rhode Island Council of the Arts has awarded him a grant to put towards his writing. A description of the grant is at He writes that he'll be back teaching composition at BC in the fall. He also continues to play in a new band -- updates at

The Providence Journal ran a very nice profile of Brian Sousa at You may need to register to view it, but registration is free.

Brian Sousa sent links for his band:; ; and He also writes: "If anyone wants a CD, just email me at and I'll send them a free copy, or they can download the songs online."

The column that Brian Sousa originally wrote for a column writing class about revision is in this month's (October 2006) issue of The Writer magazine.

Brian Sousa will be teaching writing at Boston College in the fall. His book of linked stories titled Almost Gone, is set to come out in December 2007 from UMass/Dartmouth Press.

Ben Triana (WP687) is teaching English at AC Flora High School in Columbia, South Carolina.

Allison Trzop's (WP687) Master's Project (retitled "Beacon Press & The Pentagon Papers") is posted on Beacon Press' website as part of its 35th anniversary of the publishing of The Pentagon Papers. You can find it by going to and clicking on "Master's Project"

Allison Trzop's essay "The Pentagon Papers and Me" appears at:

Without A Map, a new memoir by Meredith Hall, is out from Beacon Press. You can find an excerpt at and at This is one of the first books that Allison Trzop worked on at Beacon. She highly recommends it as "an all-around great read."

Allison Trzop continues to work at Beacon Press but she also is teaching a course on business communications at Newbury College.

Brandon Vogel's (WP687) first column for since winning its next great sports writer contest is now posted at

Brandon Vogel has three pieces to consider. The first is about fantasy naming rights for baseball teams and can be found at, which is a new venue for Brandon. Two columns out in time for this weekend's Kentucky Derby can be found at and The latter will tell you everything you need to know about picking a Derby winner.

Brandon Vogel's new column is up at and he's got new stuff posted on his personal blog at

Brandon Vogel has a week-before-Super Bowl column here: <>

Brandon Vogel has a guest column in that can be found at He writes that it is "entirely Nebraska-centric, so if that's not your bag, no hard feelings."

Brandon Vogel's latest column is at

Brandon Vogel's latest column is posted at

Brandon Vogel's latest column for is posted at

Meta Wagner continues to write her regular column for

Vikki Warner (WP687) has just taken a position with BBC Audiobooks America, where she is the Managing Editor of its new Trade division. She will be coordinating all the details and maintaining the release schedule for about 50 audiobooks per year. She is living in Providence.

From Leslie Brokaw's "Magazine News": "Congratulations to Vikki Warner, whose work is featured in the Oct/Nov issue of BUST magazine. The story is titled "Soil Sisters" and is about, as the subhed puts it, how "A bumper crop of green-thumbed gals are living off the land in urban Rhode Island."

Karl Wirsing (WP687) has accepted a job as communications coordinator for Rails to Trails Conservancy (, "a nonprofit organization working with communities to preserve unused rail corridors by transforming them into trails, enhancing the health of America's environment, economy, neighborhoods and people."

One of Karl Wirsing's responsibilities at is to contribute the regular "trail of the month" to the website. His first is on the Portland Springwater Corridor. You can find a link to it on the home page.

Karl Wirsing was incensed by a column he read in the Columbia, SC, Free Times refuting global warming so he wrote an incensed letter. An excerpt: "Fiction is fun, isn't it? Well, I can make up facts, too. Here's one: You are an important writer." You can read Karl's entire letter at

After his scathing letter to the editor of the Columbia, SC, Free Times about a particular columnist's refutation of global warming (, Karl Wirsing writes that he received a note from the editor informing him that that columnist no longer writers for the paper.

Karl Wirsing's column on Hootie and the Blowfish that he originally wrote for the Column Writing Workshop has been picked up and published by Columbia, South Carolina's alternative weekly, The Free Times as a "My Turn" essay. It's called "Hootie, My Forbidden Love." You should be able to find it online at:

Camille (Millet) Womack (WP687) is living in New Orleans where she works as a Copywriter for a company that was founded with their invention of a shrimp-peeling machine.